Art Together Making Change
Bringing people together to explore the power of the expressive arts for personal change; change which will ripple beautifully throughout your community.
Backed by psychotherapy practice and supported by art process, here we design, create and provide workshops that take you on a journey, and allow you to explore and experience the benefits of the expressive arts in supporting mental health and well-being.
"I feel privileged to say that I was the therapist in this six part series - Space 22 - which explores the impact of creativity on our mental wellbeing. If you ever were curious about the value of what is often called “soft arts” - soft suggesting, “yeah that’s nice” or a sense of, “off you go and play, that will take away your woes and your fears”; or if you’ve ever thought that creativity has no place in healing our mental and emotional issues, that it simply doesn’t make sense that creativity and engaging in creativity would make any difference to thinking and feeling and being better, maybe you want to watch this program.”
xx Noula - Founder BeCause Movement