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BeCause art starts conversations, uplifts and connects

We believe in art's inherent power to heal. From individual impact such as healthy emotional expression, through to deeper neurological connections, art is a valid and beneficial medicinal treatment for mental health issues. As such, BeCause incorporates creative practice into all therapeutic resources.


BeCause also engages with the broader art community to deliver initiatives that raise awareness to mental health challenges and to grow the funding we need to share our resources far and wide. From professional mural creation, to art-auction fundraising, we are all about art with intention.


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In October 2019, Douglas Diaz worked with BeCause to create the "Belonging" Mural located in Rozelle. The concept for this mural was born during a collaborative exhibition with Australian Artist Noula Diamantopoulos inviting individuals to consider their own feelings about how they belong, individually and collectively with those around them. Douglas, who lives overseas, came to Sydney and generously shared his creative skills with BeCause and Australia.


While Cameron worked, BeCause also engaged a group of individuals with mental health issues to explore their needs through the making of mosaic butterflies, piecing together their inner feelings. 70 mosaics were then added to the darkest areas of Douglaz's work creating a conversation around depression, anxiety, trauma and community healing.


Belonging, BeCause Art Well-Being Project, Douglas Diaz, October 2019



The Butterfly Effect was the birthday project of the BeCause Movement, launched appropriately on a day of love, 14 February 2019. Working with artist Brode Compton, a mural was created speaking to the transformative nature of art on our minds.


Brode's work was featured in Rozelle outside Artereal Gallery, and over the course of 6 months, beautiful mosaic butterflies were added to the Mural, representing the transformation of community members. 



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© 2023 BeCause Movement : 747 Darling Street Rozelle NSW Australia 2039

Proudly created by Charlotte Marie Isbell

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